SECTION TWO – Heater Installation
Heater Placement and
The heater must be at least five feet from the pool or
spa unless there is a solid barrier between the heater
and the pool or spa. In Canada, the heater must be at
least 18” from any property line.
Outdoor Installation
For heaters located outdoors, using the built-in stack-
less venting system.
HHHHeeeeaaaatttteeeerrrr CCCClllleeeeaaaarrrraaaannnncccceeeessss
There are two reasons for the clearances given here.
They are:
1. Adequate clearance from combustibles to avoid a
fire hazard.
2. Adequate air circulation around the heater to avoid
Adequate working room for ease of maintenace will
depend on the installation.
Locate the heater on a level surface in an open,
unroofed area that is protected from drainage or run-
off. Install the heater in an area where leaves or other
debris will not collect on or around the heater. Do not
install the heater where water (including rain, sprin-
klers, or runoff) will fall directly onto the heater jacket.
1' Min.
4' Min.
4' Min.
4' Min.
3' Minimum clearance if
horizontal distance to
exhaust opening is less
than 10 feet.
Forced Air
Installation Procedures
Figure 2-2: Clearance From Building Openings - U.S.
Outdoor installations
must have at least 3'
(1 M) of clearance
above vent.
leave 6 in.
(15 cm) of clear
space between
unit and
(15 cm)
3' (1M) or more
Space around unit must be open
on three sides when under roof
or overhang.
Figure 2-3: Combustion Clearances
SSSSaaaaffffeeeettttyyyy PPPPrrrreeeeccccaaaauuuuttttiiiioooonnnnssss::::
Fire hazard.
The minimum clearance to
combustible surfaces is 6 inches.