SECTION FOUR – Routine Maintenance and Professional Servicing
• Take care to keep the Manifold O-ring sealing sur-
faces clean, replace the O-ring, and position it prop-
erly when reassembling.
• Lubricate the O-rings with Parker O-Ring Lube for
easy installation.
• If you are replacing a cast iron manifold/adapter
with a one-piece Inlet/Outlet Manifold, purchase
Part No. 77707-0014 (model SR/SRC200), 77707-
0015 (SR/SRC333), or 77707-0016 (SR/SRC400)
complete with safety switches. Do not reuse the
safety switches from the cast-iron adapter; the new
manifold uses some different switches. See Figure
4-5 for switch locations in the new manifold.
• If you are replacing a one-piece manifold, you can
purchase a manifold complete with safeties or you
can purchase the shell and necessary components
and transfer the safety switches to the new mani-
fold. See Figure 4-5 for switch locations. If you
transfer the old switches, BE SURE that they are all
in good working condition before putting them in
the new manifold.
• See Figure 4-6 for switch cover installation
• Have a No. 77707-0008 Insulation Kit on hand in
case the heating coil shifts during manifold installa-
tion and requires opening the combustion chamber
cover to realign it.
MMMMaaaannnniiiiffffoooolllldddd RRRReeeeaaaasssssssseeeemmmmbbbbllllyyyy
NNNNOOOOTTTTEEEE:::: Make sure that the Baffle Plate, Insert, and
Bottom Plate are correct for your heater. The part num-
ber is molded on. Check the Water System Repair Parts
List and Exploded View, Page 5-4, to verify part num-
bers. The number is not molded on some inserts for
200K heaters.
1. Install the Internal Bypass Valve in the Manifold.
2. Install the Baffle Plate in the Manifold.
3. Install the Insert and Bottom Plate (with the
Manifold O-ring) in the Manifold. You will have to
tap them together with a rawhide or plastic mallet.
4. Clean the tube-sheet and O-Ring sealing surfaces as
shown in Figure 4-2.
MMMMaaaannnniiiiffffoooolllldddd IIIInnnnssssttttaaaallllllllaaaattttiiiioooonnnn ((((SSSSeeeeeeee FFFFiiiigggguuuurrrreeeessss 4444----3333 aaaannnndddd 4444----4444))))::::
NNNNOOOOTTTTEEEE:::: On some heaters, the long manifold bolts used
on the one-piece Inlet/Outlet Manifold will push the
Evaporator Plate out of position. Operating the heater
with the Evaporator Plate out of place can severely
damage the heater. Since the Evaporator Plate can’t be
seen from the outside of the heater, install the short
bolts as directed below to avoid moving it.
SSSSRRRR////SSSSRRRRCCCC222200000000 aaaannnndddd SSSSRRRR////SSSSRRRRCCCC444400000000 ((((FFFFiiiigggguuuurrrreeee 4444----3333))))::::
1. Hand-tighten all long bolts; then tighten indicated
bolts (*) enough to allow short bolts to engage.
2. Follow “Manifold Torque Procedure” below.
1. These models use long bolts only. Tighten all bolts
hand tight.
2. Follow “Manifold Torque Procedure” below.
MMMMaaaannnniiiiffffoooolllldddd TTTToooorrrrqqqquuuueeee PPPPrrrroooocccceeeedddduuuurrrreeee ((((AAAAllllllll MMMMooooddddeeeellllssss))))::::
1. Make sure that all bolts are engaged and hand tight.
2. Torque the bolts iiiinnnn sssseeeeqqqquuuueeeennnncccceeee as shown (Figure 4-4).
Some noise (popping, etc.) is normal as you tighten.
3. Go around the manifold and retighten the bolts as
needed to the specified torque (you may have to do
this several times).
4. Reverse Steps 1 through 10 to finish reinstalling the
EEEExxxxpppplllloooossssiiiioooonnnn aaaannnndddd ffffiiiirrrreeee hhhhaaaazzzzaaaarrrrdddd.... BBBBeeee ssssuuuurrrreeee
tttthhhhaaaatttt aaaallllllll ggggaaaassss ccccoooonnnnnnnneeeeccccttttiiiioooonnnnssss aaaarrrreeee ttttiiiigggghhhhtttt aaaannnndddd ddddoooo nnnnooootttt lllleeeeaaaakkkk
bbbbeeeeffffoooorrrreeee aaaatttttttteeeemmmmppppttttiiiinnnngggg ttttoooo ssssttttaaaarrrrtttt tttthhhheeee hhhheeeeaaaatttteeeerrrr....
• Check gas union(s) for leaks with soapy water
before firing the heater.
• Start and run the filter pump for several minutes
before starting the heater in order to purge all air
from the system. Open all air vents in the system
(on Filter, Strainer, etc.) while purging the air.
Inlet/Outlet Manifold
(Heaters built after 3/15/01)
3880 0101
Figure 4-1: Gently pry Bottom Plate off of Manifold.
4067 0901
When cleaning, be careful
not to push the tube sheet into the
combustion chamber. If you do,
thread a couple of bolts into it
and pull it back in place.
Brush off all dust and debris
with a brush and wipe it down
with a cloth.
Apply silicone grease (supplied)
to O-Rings.
Clean the tube sheet and O-ring
sealing surface with a nylon brush,
then brighten the tube sheet
surface with 320 grit emery cloth.
Figure 4-2: Clean the tube sheet and O-Ring seal-
ing surfaces thoroughly as described above.