SECTION FOUR – Routine Maintenance and Professional Servicing
IIIInnnnssssttttrrrruuuuccccttttiiiioooonnnnssss FFFFoooorrrr CCCChhhheeeecccckkkkiiiinnnngggg tttthhhheeee GGGGaaaassss PPPPrrrreeeessssssssuuuurrrreeee
TTTThhhhrrrroooouuuugggghhhh tttthhhheeee CCCCoooommmmbbbbiiiinnnnaaaattttiiiioooonnnn GGGGaaaassss CCCCoooonnnnttttrrrroooollll VVVVaaaallllvvvveeee
TTTThhhheeeesssseeee iiiinnnnssssttttrrrruuuuccccttttiiiioooonnnnssss aaaarrrreeee ffffoooorrrr tttthhhheeee uuuusssseeee ooooffff qqqquuuuaaaalllliiiiffffiiiieeeedddd
sssseeeerrrrvvvviiiicccceeee tttteeeecccchhhhnnnniiiicccciiiiaaaannnnssss oooonnnnllllyyyy!!!!
DDDDoooo nnnnooootttt aaaatttttttteeeemmmmpppptttt tttthhhhiiiissss pppprrrroooocccceeeedddduuuurrrreeee uuuunnnnlllleeeessssssss yyyyoooouuuu hhhhaaaavvvveeee bbbbeeeeeeeennnn
ttttrrrraaaaiiiinnnneeeedddd aaaannnndddd cccceeeerrrrttttiiiiffffiiiieeeedddd iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee ccccaaaarrrreeee aaaannnndddd rrrreeeeppppaaaaiiiirrrr ooooffff ggggaaaassss----ffffiiiirrrreeeedddd
DDDDoooo nnnnooootttt aaaatttttttteeeemmmmpppptttt tttthhhhiiiissss pppprrrroooocccceeeedddduuuurrrreeee iiiiffff tttthhhheeee ffffoooolllllllloooowwwwiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnnssssttttrrrruuuucccc----
ttttiiiioooonnnnssss aaaarrrreeee ccccoooonnnnffffuuuussssiiiinnnngggg!!!!
This appliance is equipped with an unconventional gas
control valve that is factory set with a manifold pres-
sure of –.2"wc. Installation or service must be per-
formed by a qualified installer, service agency, or the
gas supplier. If this control valve is replaced, it must be
replaced with an identical control.
The Combination Gas Valve incorporates dual shut-off
valves and a negative-pressure regulator. For proper
operation, the regulated pressure at the outlet manifold
of the valve must be 0.2"wc below the reference pres-
sure at the blower mixer inlet, and the gas valve
‘VENT’ tap must be connected to the Endcap/Air
Orifice as shown.
Do not attempt to adjust the gas input by adjusting the
regulator setting. The correct gas regulator setting is
required to maintain proper combustion and must not
be altered.
Verify the maximum and minimum regulated gas pres-
sures from the gas supply. These pressures must be
within the range listed on the conversion plate.
TTTToooo cccchhhheeeecccckkkk tttthhhhaaaatttt tttthhhheeee ggggaaaassss pppprrrreeeessssssssuuuurrrreeee sssseeeettttttttiiiinnnngggg iiiissss ccccoooorrrrrrrreeeecccctttt,,,, uuuusssseeee
tttthhhheeee ffffoooolllllllloooowwwwiiiinnnngggg pppprrrroooocccceeeedddduuuurrrreeee::::
1. Turn off the electrical supply to the heater; turn off
the pump; turn off the manual gas supply valve to
the heater.
2. Unbolt and separate the top jacket halves.
3. Use a 3/16"hex key to remove the plug from the
‘PRESSURE TAP’ port on the outlet side of the
Combination Gas Control Valve.
(Continued on the next page)
The gas piping and unions have been
omitted for clarity; make this test with all gas piping
connected (as for normal service).
To High Side
of Differential
Pressure Gauge
To Low Side of
Pressure Gauge
Connection for
To Air Flow
To Gas
Valve Vent
Connection for
Your model may be
equipped with an ON-OFF
toggle switch instead of
the Gas Control Knob.
To Air Flow
Combination Gas Control Valve
SSSSaaaaffffeeeettttyyyy PPPPrrrreeeeccccaaaauuuuttttiiiioooonnnnssss::::
Risk of fire or explosion. Improper
installation, adjustment, alteration, service, or
maintenance of the Combination Gas Control Valve
can lead to fire or explosion, causing loss of life,
personal injury, or property damage.