SECTION FOUR – Routine Maintenance and Professional Servicing
14. Remove the Metal Elbow and degrease the gluing
surfaces of the Combustion Chamber Flue Collar
and the Elbow with isopropyl alcohol. Do not touch
these surfaces after they have been degreased.
15. Use the RTV supplied to apply two continuous 1/4"
beads of RTV, one all the way around inside the
Elbow, and the other all the way around outside the
Combustion Chamber Flue Collar. Apply two addi-
tional 1/4"beads about 2"long to the Flue Collar,
front and back (see Figure 4-8).
16. Use a tongue depressor or a rubber-gloved finger to
spread the RTV out uniformly over the gluing sur-
17. Install the Elbow; align the Elbow and push straight
down on it; Compress the Combustion Chamber
Flue Collar until the Elbow is completely bottomed
out. The bottom of the Elbow should be 4-3/8"
above the Flue Collar flange. The detent mark on
the Elbow must align with the centerline of the
Stack Flue Switch and the holes must align with the
5/32"holes drilled in the Flue Collar in Step 12 (see
Figure 4-7).
18. Apply RTV to two of the #10 sheet metal screws
supplied; secure the Elbow to the Flue Collar with
19. Some Silicone RTV may squeeze out from under the
lip of the Elbow Assembly. If so, pack it back
around the bottom edge of the elbow to ensure a
good seal, especially at the front and back of the
joint. If no Silicone RTV has been squeezed out,
apply additional RTV around the outside of the
joint and pack it in to make a good seal.
20. Connect the Stack Flue Switch wires to the new
Probe. Do not remove the stack flue switch; it is
sealed to the Combustion Chamber Flue Collar to
prevent carbon monoxide/flue gas leaks.
21. Reinstall the gas vent pipe to the heater, sealing all
joints according to local code requirements and the
vent manufacturer’s instructions. Fasten the
Appliance Adapter to the Elbow Assembly with
Silicone RTV and the last two #10
screws provided.
NNNNOOOOTTTTEEEE:::: You have about 1/2 hour of working time
after making the RTV joint. After the joint starts to
cure, wait one hour before testing.
22. After one hour, fire heater for not more than one
minute to test for exhaust leaks. Reseal any leaks
that are found.
23. Reinstall the Upper Left and Upper Right Jackets on
the heater.
NNNNOOOOTTTTEEEE:::: Wait 24 hours before firing heater continu-
ously. This will allow the RTV to cure completely
before exposing it to heat.
* Loctite Corp, Rocky Hill, CT 06067
Vent Body Retrofit For Enclosed Installations
(Continued from the preceding page)