Hardware Reference Guide
Document Edition
: 1.0
: August 28, 2003
This document applies to the SST-PFB3-PCI interface card
Copyright ©2003 Woodhead Software and Electronics, a division of Woodhead Canada Limited.
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We at Woodhead strive to ensure accuracy in our documentation. However, due to rapidly evolving products, on
occasion software or hardware changes may not have been reflected in the documentation. If you notice any
inaccuracies, please contact us (contact information in Appendix D of this document).
Written and designed at
Woodhead Software and Electronics, 50 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
N2V 1N3
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©2003 Woodhead Software and Electronics, a division of Woodhead Canada Limited.
Document Edition: 1.0, Document #: 715-0060, Template Edition: 1.0, Template #: QMS-06-045.
Use, duplication or disclosure of this document or any of the information contained herein is subject to the restrictions on page ii of this document.
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