Hardware Reference Guide
1.2 Card Features
The SST-PBF3-PCI is the next Generation Profibus PCI card. It can perform the following functions:
Act as a DP master
Act as a DP slave
Send and receive FDL (layer 2) messages
Support Master Class 1 and Master Class 2 messaging
Support simultaneous operation in all of the above modes
Support the standard Profibus baud rates of 9.6K, 19.2K, 93.75K, 187.5K, 500K, 1.5M, 3M, 6M and 12M
Card Overview
©2003 Woodhead Software and Electronics, a division of Woodhead Canada Limited.
Document Edition: 1.0, Document #: 715-0060, Template Edition: 1.0, Template #: QMS-06-045.
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