Quick Setup
Full Scale Flow
Full Scale Flow sets the maximum flow the system is expected to measure. This parameter has
influence on other system parameters. These parameters include:
• Frequency Output – Full scale frequency is observed at full scale flow
• Low Flow Cutoff – Changes to full scale flow affect the measuring cut-off threshold of the meter
• Alarm Outputs – Changes to full scale flow adjusts the thresholds for generating set point alarms
• Pulse Outputs – Changes to full scale flow adjusts the pulse frequency and duty cycle
• Analog Outputs – Changes to full scale flow adjusts the interpretation of the analog output signal
Change the full scale flow based on the meter size and the application’s requirements. Verify that the
full scale flow falls within the meter’s suggested flow range limits. In terms of flow velocity, the meter's
limits are from 0.1 to 39.4 feet/second.
The full scale flow is valid for both flow directions.
If the flow rate exceeds the full scale setting, an error message indicates that the configured
full scale range has been exceeded. However, the meter will continue to measure. This will
affect the latency of the pulse outputs and possibly cause overflow. Furthermore, the analog
output may also be placed in alarm mode.
To set or change the Full Scale Flow, follow these steps from the
Quick Setup
1. Select
Full Scale Flow
to view the
Full Scale Flow
2. Set the full scale flow value to the desired setting.
3. Press
to save the full scale flow value and return to the
Low Flow Cutoff
Low Flow Cutoff defines the threshold at which flow measurement will be forced to zero. The cutoff
value can be set from 0% to 10% of the full scale flow. Increasing this threshold will help prevent false
readings during “no flow” conditions possibly caused by pipe vibration or inherent system noise.
To change Low Flow Cutoff, follow these steps from the
Low Flow Cutoff
1. Set the Low Flow Cutoff value to the desired setting, between 0% and 10%.
2. Press
to save the value.
Installation & Operation Manual
Page 27
March 2014