Issue 1
UTM20 Series Ultrasonic Transit-time Flowmeters
7. Installation
7.1 Overview
Each of the installation steps that follow is explained on the following pages. The actual installation
procedures differ slightly, depending on whether the transducers are fixed or adjustable.
If the transducers are fixed, you will:
1. Install the transducers.
2. Install the transmitter.
3. Wire the transmitter.
4. Program the meter.
If the transducers are adjustable, you will:
1. Install the transmitter.
2. Wire the transmitter.
3. Set up the meter (select the optimum transmission mode, enter the site information, and enter
the fluid and pipe properties).
4. Install the transducers.
5. Complete the meter programming.
7.2 Installation Considerations
Mount the transmitter in a location:
Where little vibration exists.
That is protected from corrosive fluids.
That is within the transmitters ambient temperature limits:
-4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C); relative humidity 0 to 85%, non-condensing; altitude 2000 m max.
That is out of direct sunlight. Direct sunlight may increase transmitter temperature above the
maximum limit.
That protects the oleophobic vent from materials that may plug or seal the vent.
7.3 Equipment Required
Screwdrivers, wide blade and tiny blade (for securing wires to the terminal blocks)
User manual for the transducers
Four #8 or M4 screws, if mounting the transmitter on a wall
Stainless steel banding straps, if mounting the transmitter on a pipe
7.4 Installing the Transducers
See the user manual for your particular transducer for installation instructions.