Topics in this section include:
Front Panel
The SL-6 offers built-in NP-1 battery
powering for the 688 mixer, slot
receivers, plus four additional DC
outputs for external peripherals, as well
as built-in antenna distribution.
Using Sound Devices’ SuperSlot™
interconnection standard, the SL-6
offers all powering, monitoring, audio
interconnection and control needed for
SuperSlot-compatible receivers. Its RF
scan feature provides quick coordination
and con
guration of SuperSlot Rx.
The SL-6 attaches to the top panel of
the 688. Instructions for attaching the
SL-6 to your mixer is provided in the
SL-6 Quick Start Guide
, shipped with
the accessory and as a PDF download
from the Sound Devices website.
The front panel of the SL-6 has the following features:
Antenna Distribution lead (B)
Antenna Distribution lead (A)
Antenna Distribution lead (A)
Antenna Connector B
Receiver Slot 2
Receiver Slot 3
Receiver Slot 1
Antenna Connector A
Antenna Distribution lead (B)
Receiver Slots
Each slot accepts one (single- or dual-channel) SuperSlot or unislot
receiver. The connection provides power to the receiver and connects
the receiver’s audio output directly to the 688.
Antenna Distribution
SMA connectors with right-angle adapters are used to connect receiv-
ers to the SL-6 antenna distribution system.
Antenna Connectors
BNC connectors are used for attaching external antennas to the SL-6
antenna distribution system.
Use BNC to SMA adapters, included with the SL-6, for antennas with
SMA connectors.
Front Panel
Right Panel
Left Panel
Powering with the SL-6
Turning Off Power to Rx Slots
Using Antenna Distribution
Antenna Bias Power
Radio Frequency (RF) Filter
Using Wireless Receivers
Unislot Receivers
Using SuperSlot Receivers
Automatic Receiver Output Setup
Receiver Details Screen - Examples A-D
Scanning for Radio Frequencies
SL-6 Powering and Wireless System