12.7 Heat pump system
Menus 7.7 / 7.7.1 - 7.7.6
12.7.1 Heat pump runtime
Menu 7.7.1
After a heat demand, the compressor remains switched on for at least the
time set here, even if the reference value has been reached.
Setting range: from 0 to 30 minutes / default setting: 10 minutes
If a switch-off condition from one of the protective functions set under
11. is present, the compressor switches off, even if the minimum
runtime has still not been reached.
12.7.3 Heat pump delay
Menu 7.7.3
When there is a heat demand,
rst the glycol pump, and if applicable, the
storage tank charging pump and domestic hot water pump/valve is switched
on for the time set here. Only after that is the compressor switched on.
Setting range: from 0 to 300 seconds / default setting: 20 seconds
12.7.4 Glycol overrun
Menu 7.7.4
When the compressor is switched off, the glycol pump continues to run for
the time set here, and then switches off.
Setting range: from 0 to 300 seconds / default setting: 20 seconds
12.7.2 Heat pump idle time
Menu 7.7.2
After previous operation, the compressor remains switched off for at least
the time set here, even if there is a demand.
Setting range: from 0 to 30 minutes / default setting: 10 minutes
The settings under this menu item and its four submenus should only be
made by a specialist, since they have fundamental effects on the function
of the heat pump and the connected system!
Special functions
Menu 7
12.7.5 Storage tank charging pump (SCP) overrun
Menu 7.7.5
When the compressor is switched off, the storage tank charging pump
continues to run for the set time in order to remove the residual heat from
the heat pump.
Setting range: from 0 to 300 seconds / default setting: 20 seconds
12.7.6 Heating circuit pump
Menu 7.7.6
This setting is used to de
ne whether the heating circuit pump is only
dependent on the outdoor temperature (summer/winter changeover=SW),
or should also be switched off if the reference value is exceeded
ow is selected, the times set under 12.7.3-12.7.5 are valid; they apply
to both the storage tank charging pump and the heating circuit pump.
Setting range: SW or VL (
ow) / default setting: SW
If VL is set, the heating circuit pump is switched on in winter mode
every 15 minutes in order to update the temperature value at the
heating circuit sensor. If the heating circuit sensor is installed in the
buffer storage tank, only the setting SW should be selected!