The operating mode “Manual” may only be used by specialists for
brief function tests, e.g. during commissioning!
When operating mode “Manual” is activated, the current tem-
peratures and the selected parameters are no longer considered.
There is therefore a danger of scalding or serious damage to the
9.3 Manual
Menu 4.3
9. Operating mode
In order to prevent icing of the evaporator, the compressor (relay
R5) can only be switched on here if the glycol pump (relay R4) is
switched on
Please also note that high-pressure faults may occur if the storage
tank charging pump or if applicable the heating circuit pump is not
also switched on at the same time.
Function in manual mode:
The relays and thus the connected consumer are switched on and off by
pressing a key, with no regard to the current temperatures and the param-
eters which have been set. At the same time, the current measurement
values of temperature sensors S1-S6 are also shown in the display for the
purposes of function control.
In Manual mode the individual relay outputs and the connected consumers
can be checked for proper functioning and correct assignment.