12.3 Sensor calibration
Menus 7.3 / 7.3.1 - 7.3.3
Deviations in the temperature values displayed, for example due to cables
which are to long or sensors which are not positioned optimally, can be
compensated for manually here. The settings can be made for each indi-
vidual sensor in steps of 0.5°C.
Offset S1...S6 per setting range: -50°C...+50°C default setting: 0°C
Settings are only necessary in special cases at the time of initial
commissioning by the specialist. Incorrect measurement values
can lead to unpredictable errors.
Special functions
Menu 7
12.4 Commissioning
Menu 7.4
Starting the commissioning help
guides you in the correct order through the
basic settings necessary for commissioning, and provides brief descriptions
of each parameter in the display.
Pressing the “esc” key takes you back to the previous value so you can
look at the selected setting again or adjust it if desired. Pressing the “esc”
more than once takes you back to the selection mode, thus cancelling the
commissioning help. (see also 5.1)
May only be started by a specialist during commissioning! Ob-
serve the explanations for the the individual parameters in these
instructions, and check whether further settings are necessary for
your application.
12.5 Factory settings
Menu 7.5
All of the settings that have been made can be reset, thus returning the
controller to its delivery state.
The entire parametrisation, statistics, etc. of the controller will be lost
irrevocably. The controller must then be commissioned once again.
12.6 Expansions
Menu 7.6
This menu can only be selected and used if additional options or expansion
modules have been built into the controller.
The associated supplementary installation, mounting and operation
instructions are then included with the speci
c expansion.