Protective functions
Menu 6
11. Protective functions
Menu “6. Protective functions” can
be used by specialists to activate
and set various protective func-
vided by the customer!
The menu is closed by pressing
“esc” or selecting “Exit settings”.
This does not under any
circumstances replace the
safety facilities to be pro-
11.1 Anti-seizing protection
Menu 6.1
If the anti-seizing protection is activated, then the controller switches the
consumers on relays R1 to R4 on sequentially every day at at 15:00 and
on Sundays at 15:00 for 5 seconds in order to prevent the pump and/or
the valve from sticking after an extended stationary period. There is no
anti-seizing function for the compressor on relay R5.
Setting range: daily, weekly, off / default setting: daily
11.2 Frost protection
Menus 6.2 / 6.2.1 - 6.2.2
A frost protection function can be activated for the heat pump.
If the glycol return temperature drops below the value set here, the control-
ler switches the heat pump (glycol pump+compressor) off until the glycol
return temperature is once again above the set value by at least 2°C.
Frost protection setting range: on, off / default setting: off
Frost stage 1 setting range: from -25°C to 5°C / default setting: 0°C
The frost protection function only functions if glycol return sensor
S5 is installed.
11.3 Max. heating circuit
Menu 6.3
This value is used to limit the reference
ow temperature and the heating
for all heating circuit functions. If the heating circuit temperature neverthe-
less exceeds the set value, then the heating circuit and the heat pump are
switched off until the temperature one again falls below this value.
Setting range: from 30C to 80°C / default setting: 45°C
For safety, the customer must provide an additional limiting
thermostat which is connected to the pumps in series.