To start the PetaApp Monitor GUI: Enter the
command below.
%{folder where the DZC-PSC2 has been installed}/bin/
where % is the command prompt.
The PetaApp Monitor GUI is activated.
To start the Monitoring & Maintenance Terminal
GUI: Click on the PetaSite button of the PetaApp
Monitor GUI, and the Monitoring & Maintenance
Terminal GUI is activated.
To start the PetaBack GUI: Specify the URL address
of the Web browser.
Click on the PetaBack button of the PetaApp
Monitor GUI, and the Web browser is activated.
On the server PCU, the Web browser is
automatically activated with the PetaBack GUI’s
URL address. For remote operation, you need to
specify the URL address. Type the URL address
that is used to start the PetaBack GUI on the PCU.