Body height
A menu opens
where you can enter the patient’s height.
This information will be added to the patient’s data and
is necessary for the blood pressure calculation (if
Bluetooth on/off
Activate or deactivate the Bluetooth function by tapping
on this button. When the symbol is grey, Bluetooth is
switched off. When the symbol is blue, Bluetooth is
switched on. The device can transfer data in real time
when Bluetooth is activated.
Signal view before recording
Data Review
The symbol appears when you are in the Data review
display mode. Use it to go back to the current signal
display. To get to the Data Review Display, swipe left
or right on the signals.
Missing sensor
This symbol is displayed when a sensor is defined in
the montage but has not yet been connected.
Sensor not part
of the assembly
The symbol is displayed when a sensor is inserted
which is not part of the montage. The signal will be
added to the montage and recorded.
Signal group of
all wireless
sensor assigned
to this device
All signals of the wireless sensors are grouped on one
scree. Tap on this symbol to view all wireless signals.
During wait mode
Abort wait mode
You can abort the wait mode. Recording will not be
Check the
Use the signal check to ensure the correct application
of the sensors or for performing a blood pressure
calibration. Without previous initialization the duration
of the signal check will run for a maximum of 30
Stop signal
If less time is needed for the signal check than originally
estimated, you can end the signal check with this
button. The device returns to wait mode.
Signal view during recording
Patient marker
Tap on this symbol to set a patient marker. A menu
opens where the relevant marker can be defined.
This icon takes you to a sub-menu where you can
switch the sound on or off.
Sound on/ off
Sound on: Alarm sound when a sensor is removed.
Sound off: No alarm sound when a sensor is removed.
Blood pressure
Tap on this symbol to perform a blood pressure
Option needs to be activated and necessary sensors
(ECG and SpO2) need to be included in the montage.