The electrodes for recording the intercostal activity are placed directly on the patient’s skin.
Beforehand the skin needs to be cleaned with Nuprep abrasive gel. Afterwards the second and
third intercostal space (counting from the lowest rip) can be determined by palpating. Then,
place one electrode in each intercostal space along the frontal axillary line. For details look at
the following figure. Afterwards the electrodes are connected to the sensor with a short
connecting cable and the sensor is plugged into the SOMNO HD
. To guarantee an optimal
hold of the electrodes they can be fixated with a tape. Also, the cables need to fixated with a
short piece of tape.
Please keep in mind that for a successful recording in addition to the IC-EMG electrodes a
ground electrode is needed. Therefore the ground electrode of the ECG or headbox can be
For additional information regarding the integration of the sensor into a montage or the analysis
please read the DOMINO software manual.
Oesophageal pressure Sensor
The oesophageal pressure sensor is recording the pressure changes due to the respiratory
drive in the oesophagus.
The following parts are needed for the application:
Oesophageal pressure sensor
Balloon catheter
Three way distribution piece
syringe for air filling
Luerlock connection piece
The balloon catheter is placed in the patient’s oesophagus via the nose. For an easier placing
tilt the patient’s head slightly backwards. The patient should take small sips to make sure the
catheter is placed in the oesophagus and not in the trachea.
Afterwards connect the catheter to the pressure sensor and to the syringe. Using the syringe
the balloon can be filled with air. Then, close the valve and remove the syringe. The pressure
sensor can be connected to any free port of the SOMNO HD
Placing of the IC-EMG Sensor