Date: 27.09.17
Functional Profile LON RTS Module WM
animeo LON RTS Module 433/447 MHz . Ref. 51318943A
Configuration Properties
3.4.1. Location Label (optional)
SCPTlocation cp_family nciLocation;
This configuration property identifies the subsystem containing the device. It provides
a more detailed description of the device location than can be provided by the Neuron
Chip’s 6-byte location string. This allows network-recovery tools to recover subsystem
information from a device. The subsystem may be a simple location name, or may be a
hierarchical subsystem name. If a hierarchical subsystem name is specified, the
subsystem hierarchy components must be separated by periods ( . ). For example, a
device may have an nciLocation value of “Bldg 1.Floor 2.Rm 29”, representing the
Bldg 1/Floor 2/Rm 29 subsystem. Periods must not otherwise be used in the
nciLocation value. Other characters that cannot be used in the nciLocation value are
the backslash ( \ ), colon ( : ), forward slash ( / ), or double-quotation ( " ) characters
(however, stylistic quotation characters can be used, such as „ , “ , ” , « , and » ). For
very large networks, subsystem numbers may be used instead of subsystem names, for
example: “1.2.29”. This allows deeply nested hierarchies to fit within the 31-character
limit for SCPTlocation.
If a device has multiple locations, such as a device with multiple remote sensors, each
of the functional blocks on the device may also implement a SCPTlocation
configuration property to identify the location of each of the remote components. The
SCPTlocation configuration property associated with the Node Object identifies the
location of the device itself, whereas the other SCPTlocation configuration properties
identify the locations of their respective hardware components.
If a device does not have a Node Object functional block, a SCPTlocation
configuration property that applies to the device may be implemented to document the
device location.
Valid Range
Any NUL-terminated ASCII string up to 31 bytes of total length (including NUL). The
string must be truncated if the length does not allow the thirty-first character to be the
NUL (0).
Configuration Requirements/Restrictions
This CP has no modification restrictions. It can be modified at any time.
3.4.2. Device Major Version
network input config SCPTdevMajVer nciDevMajVer;
This configuration property provides the major version number of a device.