animeo KNX/EIB 4 AC MoCo • REF. 5050779 -
Rising toggle
If a rising edge at the local input appears, the object value is inverted. If a falling edge at the local input appears, this is not evaluated. The
duration of the manipulation is not evaluated.
Falling toggle
If a falling edge at the local input appears, the object value is inverted. If a rising edge at the local input appears, this is not evaluated. The
duration of the manipulation is not evaluated.
Rising toggle, falling toggle
If a rising or falling edge at the local input appears, the object value is inverted. The duration of the manipulation is not evaluated.
No evaluation
If a rising or falling edge at the local input appears, this is not evaluated.
Edge evaluation contact B
Rising ON, falling Off
Rising OFF, falling ON
Rising ON
Falling ON
Rising OFF
Falling OFF
Rising toggle
Falling toggle
Rising toggle, falling toggle
No evaluation
Send starting value on bus power return
If this parameter is set to “Yes“ with bus power return the current status of the input is then sent. If this parameter is set to “No“ the current
adjusted status of the input is not sent.
Contact A and B
Cyclic sending of status
No cyclic sending
On and off
Over this parameter it is specified whether the appropriate switching value of the communication object is to be sent cyclically.
No cyclic sending
The switching value of the communication object is not cyclically sent.
Only if the object value is “1“ it is cyclically sent. If the object value changes due to a change of edge status at the input or due to a receipt of
a Bus telegram from “0” to “1”, the cyclic sending is stopped.
Only if the object value is “0“ it is cyclically sent. If the object value changes due to a change of edge status at the input or due to a receipt of
a Bus telegram from “1” to “0”, the cyclic sending is stopped.
On and Off
If the object value is “1“ or “0“ then the appropriate one is cyclically sent. If the object value changes due to a change of edge status at the
input or due to a receipt, a bus telegram of the new value is sent.
Cyclic sending in seconds (1 - 3600)
1 - 3600
Over this parameter the time intervals are fixed in which the appropriate object value is sent cyclically.
With active cyclic sending it is to be made certain that the time of the cyclic time received is greater approx. 1/4 than the configured cyclic
time of the sender.
Description see “Edge evalution contact A“