4 pcs 1/4x2-1/2" Hex Bolt
4 pcs 1/4" T-Nut
4 pcs 1/4" Flat Washer
4 pcs 1/4" Lock Washer
4 pcs #8x3" Wood Screw
60 pcs #8x1-1/2" Wood Screw
2 pcs 1x5x35-1/4" Cedar Gap Board
1 pc 2x2x55" Side Joist
1 pc 5/4x4x58-1/2" Floor Joist
10 pcs 1x5x35-1/4" Cedar Floor Board
Floor Back
#8 x 3"
Wood Screw
1/4 x 2½"
Hex Bolt
Side Joist
1 x 5 x 35¼"
Cedar Gap Board
5/4 x 4 x 58½"
Floor Joist
Wood Screw
2 x 2 x 55"
Floor Front
#8 x 1½"
for other side
These screws repeat
1 x 5 x 35-1/4"
Cedar Floor Board
#8 x 1½"
Wood Screw
1/8" pilot holes are required
Wood Screws at the centre.
Attach Gap Boards to Floor Joist with 1½" long
to Floor Front & Side Joist with 1½" long Wood Screws.
Insert notched Gap Boards flush with Floor Ends & attach
Attach Side Joist to Floor Back, using Hex Bolts & tighten.
Insert Floor Joist under Gap Boards, drill 1/8" pilot holes
on ends using Floor Ends as guides.
Secure with (2) 3" long Wood Screws at each end.
Fort Floor Assembly
Space (10) Cedar Floor Boards evenly (Approx ½" gap)
Using (5) 1½" long Wood Screws per Floor Board,
attach each board to the Floor Joist underneath.