February 2020
Solar Stik
, Inc.
System Setup and Operation Manual for ATSC MS3 L0
Battery Monitor (BMK) Data (Meter 05)
This section describes what battery bank information is available from the battery monitor when
using the LCD user interface.
BMK Status
This menu selection offers read only displays that give the current operating status of the battery
monitor. This selection also provides information to determine if there is a power-up fault condition.
Also see the section
PRO-Verter Battery Monitoring Kit (BMK) Statuses
Battery SOC
This read-only menu either displays the calculated battery SOC for the connected battery bank—
“Think’n” (to indicate the SOC is being calculated), or identifies a fault condition. The range is
0–100%, where 100% is a fully charged battery and 0% is completely discharged. When the PRO-
Verter is first connected, the display will show “Think’n”, to indicate that the SOC reference point is
being calculated. After the batteries are fully charged, the display changes from “Think’n” to “100%”
and begins to provide accurate SOC% values.
If the PRO-Verter is disconnected from power, this display resets to “Think’n” and the
batteries require another full charge before SOC percentage information is displayed.
DC Volts-BMK
This meter displays the DC volts at the Inter-Connect bus. The range is from 07.00 to 70.00 volts
This meter displays the real-time charge current (amps into battery) or discharge current (amps out
of the battery) as measured through the PRO-Verter. Charging is shown as a positive (+) number and
discharging is shown as a negative (–) number. The range is from ±0.1 to 999 amps (±1.0%).
AH In/Out
This meter displays the Ah returned to or removed from the battery. When this value is positive, it
represents Ah returned to the battery during any subsequent charging. A negative value represents
Ah removed from a full battery. The range is ±32,768 Ah. When using the charge efficiency’s Auto
setting, the AH In/Out value is recalculated after the battery has been fully charged (100% SOC) and
≥ 0.5% of the battery capacity has been discharged. If the PRO-Verter is disconnected from power,
the AH In/Out value resets to zero.
Reset AH Out
This meter displays the total amp hours removed from the battery since it was last reset. This
display can be used as a battery load indicator to help determine and monitor the battery load
consumption. Its range is 0 to 65,535.0 amp hours (0.1 amp hour resolution).
To reset the Ah value
to zero
, press and hold the SELECT knob for three (3) seconds when the Reset AH Out display is
shown. After this display has been reset, it will begin calculating and displaying new Reset AH Out
values. This display automatically resets to zero if the PRO-Verter is disconnected from power.