February 2020
Solar Stik
, Inc.
System Setup and Operation Manual for ATSC MS3 L0
UPS (Automatic Functions)
Operating conditions: A PRO-Verter connects critical AC loads directly to grid utility or prime AC
power when it is available, and provides backup power for the load by supplying inverter AC (using
energy from a connected battery bank) when the Grid utility or prime AC source is interrupted.
In the UPS Model, “peak shaving” and the use of renewable power sources are also possible by
connecting a Power Hub.
Note about PRO-Verter Model Programming:
The PRO-Verter is programmed at the factory for
use in the application in which it is to be used. It is possible for the Operator to alter any of the
programmed settings when operating conditions change and/or System architecture changes are
To learn more, contact Solar Stik Technical Support.
The HPS Architecture, Function, and Operation
The Solar Stik HPS incorporates three technologies that comprise a network:
• Energy storage
• Power management
• Power generation
The PRO-Verter, Power Hub, and Expander Paks are designed to operate in concert and provides
uninterrupted pure sine wave AC and DC power to the loads. The HPS is a powerful solution for the
following conditions:
1. The generator requires protection from adverse operating conditions.
2. Grid or generator AC power sources are not present or only intermittently available.
3. Power requirements for the load may exceed an existing power source’s daily power output,
requiring multiple power sources to operate in concert to meet the daily demand
4. The reduction of fuel-driven generator “runtime” is necessary, due to logistics concerns or to
simply to reduce the cost burdens of operating a generator.
It is important to follow two rules when configuring power generation and energy storage
technologies to serve in an application:
1. The power generated over 24 hours must be greater than or equal to the power consumed
2. The energy storage capacity must be able to power the load over 24 hours (with no recharging)
Energy Storage—The Foundation of the HPS
Operating a generator may have significant cost burdens (logistics, support, etc.). The HPS alleviates
those cost burdens by redirecting the financial investment into a battery-based platform.
Batteries in a hybrid system are designed to “cycle”. A full cycle is defined as one complete
discharge and recharge over a specific period of time. With every cycle that occurs, the HPS is
providing a return on the financial investment.