Level 1®
| Operator’s Manual
S E C T I O N 1 1 • S e r v i c e
Disposal Information
Observe national and local codes or requirements for disposal of contaminated materials and for
recycling solid waste materials that may impact the environment.
Service Contacts
Please know the serial number of the convective warmer when you contact the service department.
The serial number is located on the rear of the convective warmer. Contact your Smiths Medical
Technical Service Department or Smiths Medical distributor at:
Smiths Medical ASD, Inc.
6000 Nathan Lane
Minneapolis, MN 55442 USA
Tel: 1 800 258 5361 (US/CA)
Tel: + 1 614 210 7300
European Representative
Smiths Medical Czech Republic a. s.
Olomoucká 306, Hranice 1 - Město,
75 3 01 Hranice, Czech Republic
Tel: +44 (0)1233 722100