Level 1®
| Operator’s Manual
S E C T I O N 6 • C l e a n i n g / M a i n t e n a n c e
If it is hospital policy to perform disinfection as part of reprocessing, then follow your institution's
guidelines for disinfecting of the surfaces of non-critical medical devices. The list below includes low-
level disinfectants that are commonly used in the medical community and high-level disinfectants that
are claimed by the manufacturer. The effectiveness of these listed disinfectants should be validated
using the hospital procedures.
The following disinfectant agents can be used without causing damage to the enclosure:
Isopropyl Alcohol / Water mix (70% / 30%).
Chlorine and Chlorine products
Hydrogen Peroxide
Quaternary Ammonium compounds
Phenolic Disinfectants
Replace Air Filter
The air filter in the convective warmer should be replaced every 1000 hours of operation. The
Maintenance LED indicator will turn ON (solid – not flashing) to signal filter replacement is needed.
Competent trained service personnel should be notified for filter replacement.