Level 1®
| Operator’s Manual
S E C T I O N 7 • T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g
S E C T I O N 7
If the suggested solutions do not correct the problem, discontinue use of the Level 1® Convective
Warmer and remove from service. Contact Smiths Medical or your local Smiths Medical distributor.
Possible Cause/Solution/Operating Conditions
The convective warmer
does not start
1. The convective warmer is not plugged in.
• Check that the power cord is plugged into the rear of the convective warmer
and into a working electrical receptacle.
2. Power cord is defective or cut.
• Inspect the power cord and replace if necessary.
3. There is a software fault
• Remove the power plug from the Mains and then re-insert the plug.
No heat, but the motor is
turned on and air is flowing
1. Ambient air button is selected.
• Select desired temperature.
Warmer is running, the
selected Temperature Setting
Indicator is flashing slowly
1. The warmer is coming up to temperature
• Wait for the temperature to be reached.
Warmer is running, the
selected Temperature Setting
Indicator is flashing slowly and
an alarm is sounding
1. The warmer has not come up to temperature in the anticipated time frame
• Continue to wait for the temperature to be reached.
No air flow
1. The hose and/or the thermistor cable may not be properly connected.
• Check the hose and thermistor cable connections.
• Reference Indicator lights for troubleshooting.
Weak air flow
1. Clogged air filter or obstructed air filter intake.
• Check the air filter intake for an obstruction and remove.
• Check the air filter for clogging or obstructions and replace if necessary.
• Reference Indicator lights for troubleshooting.
Air flow is too strong and the
convective warmer is noisy
1. Defective air filter or the air filter is not properly installed.
• Check the air filter for proper installation. Replace if defective.
2. Blower is not working properly
• Remove the power plug from the Mains and then re-insert the plug.
Occlusion (pinched hose)
detector illuminates solid
or is flashing, the motor is
operating, air is flowing.
1. A blockage in the hose or blanket or an object on the hose or blanket is
preventing air from flowing freely through the hose
• Check the hose and blanket for anything blocking airflow, such as a pinch
or kink. Remove the occlusion and confirm the blanket fills with air and
occlusion indicator turns off.