Use a tablespoon to measure out the meat for the meatballs. As
you form the meatballs, set each one aside on a sheet pan or
plate. You should get 15 to 30 meatballs.
Preheat Meatball Maker until ready light turns on.
Add the meatballs to the Meatball Factory machine and let it
cook for 7-10 minutes
Remove when ready.
Start the sauce. (Check the pan butter to see if it has burned. If
the butter tastes burnt, discard the butter and replace with new
2-3 tablespoons.) Heat the pan butter on medium until hot
Slowly whisk in the flour. Stirring often, let the flour cook until it
is the color of coffee-with-cream; this is a classic roux.
As the roux is cooking, heat the beef stock in another pot until
it simmers. When the roux has cooked until the color of coffee-
with-cream, slowly add the hot beef stock a little at a time.
Everything will sputter at first, and the sauce will seize up and
solidify. Keep stirring and adding stock slowly, and it will loosen
up and become silky.
Add the meatballs to the sauce and turn the heat down to low.
Cover the pot and cook on low heat for 10 minutes. You might
need to do this in batches.
To finish, move the meatballs to a serving dish. Add the sour
cream and mix well. Either add the lingonberry jelly to the sauce
or serve it on the side.