Your Skeeter boat is shipped from Skeeter with almost all of the necessities to operate your boat. Not all boats
will be equipped as others, since you have the option on how to accessorize and equip your boat.
The installation of your outboard motor is already done by Skeeter. The installation height may have to be
adjusted to optimize and maximize its performance. (The installation height is the distance from the bottom of
the cavitation plate to the top of the straight edge.) The installation height should never be adjusted by someone
who is not qualified to establish the correct installation height. The installed height is based on an average, since
Skeeter cannot predetermine your boat’s loads or uses. The addition of add-ons or accessories which can inhibit
performance and safety should never be added as a means of trying to increase performance. If you believe you
are experiencing poor performance, contact your Skeeter Dealer.
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