The trailer hitch ball must match the size of the socket on the trailer hitch coupler. Hitches are divided into
classes that specify the gross trailer weight (GTW) and the maximum tongue weight. Always use a hitch rated for
the same or higher class. Use a bolted-on or welded-on hitch; clamp-on bumper hitches are not recommended.
Be sure the trailer hitch’s release handle is latched with the lock pin installed before towing.
Use safety chains between the towing vehicle and the trailer so the trailer will not detach completely from the
towing vehicle if it accidentally comes loose from the hitch ball. Crisscross the chains under the trailer tongue so
the tongue will not hit the road surface if it falls loose. Rig the chains as tightly as possible while allowing just
enough slack to permit tight turns.
Be sure the tongue weight (vertical weight on the hitch point) is correct. Generally, 5% to 10% of the combined
weight of the boat and trailer should be on the tongue. Too much or too little weight can cause difficult steering
or trailer swaying.
Section 11_2008.qxd:Section 11_horiz.qxd 7/31/07 5:23 PM Page 11-9