5 Operation
5.5 Main home screen
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Operating Instructions SIROLaser Xtend
63 18 351 D3576
D3576. 11.2018
Confirmation if link shall
be deleted from 'My Set-
tings'.To be confirmed via
'OK' or returned to previ-
ous screen via 'Cancel'.
Wrong pin code was en-
tered. Please try again af-
ter confirmation via 'OK'.
Before proceeding it is ad-
vised to take on the laser
safety goggles. Then con-
firm with 'OK'.
Software update proce-
dure: Before going on
please plug the USB de-
vice into USB port. Confir-
mation via 'OK'.
History file download pro-
cedure: Before going on
please plug the USB de-
vice into USB port. Confir-
mation via 'OK'.
Software update proce-
dure is in progress. Please
The battery level is low
and needs to be charged.
Confirmation via 'OK'.
Please release finger
switch or wireless foot
control. Confirmation via