5 Operation
5.5 Main home screen
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Operating Instructions SIROLaser Xtend
63 18 351 D3576
D3576. 11.2018
4. Duty cycle
in our example, CW (continuous wave mode). The duty cycle is defined
as the ratio between the pulse duration (when the laser beam is actually
actuated) and the total period of time (which is the time from the
beginning of a pulse to the beginning of the next pulse). With the
SIROLaser Xtend the duty cycle is fixed on 50%. After the upgrade you
will be able to push on the duty cycle touch field. Then you will be
transferred to another screen to adjust the duty cycle between 1 to
100% (which equals continuous wave CW) by typing in the numbers or
by moving higher or lower by using 'plus' or 'minus'. If set to zero, CW
(for continuous wave mode) is displayed.
If the frequency is set CW the duty cycle will not be changeable.
5. Frequency
in our example, CW (continuous wave mode). This is the modulation
frequency of the laser unit. By pushing frequency touch field you will be
transferred to another screen where you will be able to enter the laser
operation mode. For more informations about the operation modes, see
chapter „Laser operation modes“ [→ 15].
Chopped mode
When entering a frequency in the range from 1 to 1,000 Hz by typing in
the numbers or by moving higher or lower by using 'plus' or 'minus'.
After the upgrade you will be able to entering a frequency up to
10,000 Hz. The result is the chopped mode which will be also displayed
in the control field above: e.g. "20 Hz chopped". Via ’OK’ you will be
proceeded back to the treatment submenu in which you can further
adjust the power, time and duty cycle.
Continuous wave
When pushing the ’CW’ button the continuous wave mode is set and in
the control field appears "CW". Via ’OK’ you will be proceeded back to
the treatment submenu in which you can further adjust the power and