Installation English
MSK500/1 · Date
11.09.2018 · Art.
81413 · Mod.
4.5 Electrical installation
Destruction of parts of equipment and loss of regulation control
All lines for connecting the magnetic sensor must be shielded.
Never wire or disconnect electrical connections while they are live.
Perform wiring work in the de-energized state only.
Use strands with suitable ferrules.
Wiring to the screen and ground (0 V) must be secured to a good
point. Ensure that the connection of the screen and earth is made to a
large surface area with a sound connection to minimise impedance.
Check all lines and plug connections before switching on the device.
Switch on operating voltage together with the downstream electronic
unit (e. g., control unit).
Basically, all connections are protected against external interference.
Choose a place of operation that excludes inductive or capacitive interfer-
ence influences on the magnetic sensor. When mounting the system keep a
maximum possible distance from lines loaded with interference. If neces-
sary, provide additional installations including screening shields or met-
allized housings. Contactor coils must be linked with spark suppression.
Pay attention to the maximum length of the connection cable between
sensor and downstream electronics.
Do not use tinned strands in connection with screw clamp connec-
In case of operating voltage 24 V DC and output circuit LD we recommend
use of terminal resistors ≥470 Ohm in order to avoid thermic overload.
With a 4-increment wide (= 360°) index/ reference signal, index/refer-
ence signal interpretation can be made after the 5th counting step (incre-
ment) only. Corresponding time delay has to be considered when power is
switched on.
Connection note acc. to RS422 standard
Please provide the channels with a 120 Ohm terminating resistor.