Office: Vlarska 22, 627 00 Brno, CZ
T:+420 533 338 854 l F:+420 533 338 883 l
88 802.1X System
Select the option 802.1X System from the 802.1X Configuration menu and then the
following screen page appears.
Server IP: Specify RADIUS Authentication server IP address.
Secret: Specify a shared secret of up to 30 characters. This must be the same secret as the
RADIUS Authentication server.
Max Query: Specify the maximum number of authentication attempts between 1 and 16.
Users who fail to authenticate will not grant access to the switch. When the authentication
attempts reach the specified number and all fail, the authentication server will not allow
users to authenticate for a period of time.
Reauth Period: Specify the time value between 10 and 3600 seconds. This is used to set
up how often a client is able to re-authenticate with the RADIUS server after they reach the
max query attempts.
EAP Timeout: Specify the time value between 10 and 255 seconds. This is the time that the
Managed Switch waits for responses from the server host to an authentication request.
Reauth Type: Set up the reauthentication type. Specify “manual” to allow clients to re-
authenticate with the RADIUS server manually. Specify “auto” to enable clients to re-
authenticate with the RADIUS server automatically.