Office: Vlarska 22, 627 00 Brno, CZ
T:+420 533 338 854 l F:+420 533 338 883 l
For example:
SWH(config_acl-100)# permit-type mirror
Logging: Specify “logging” to limit the number
of packets. When this is used, you need to use
logging <1-128> parameter to indicate how
many packet size you would like to use.
For example:
SWH(config_acl-100)# permit-type logging
SWH(config_acl-100)# logging 50
Ratelimit: Specify “ratelimit” to apply rate
limiting settings. When this is used, you need to
use rate-lim <1-128> parameter to indicate
which rate ID you would like to use.
For example:
SWH(config_acl-100)# permit-type ratelimit
SWH(config_acl-100)# rate-lim 1
Svid: Specify “svid” to replace an original
service provider VID with a new one for egress
traffic. When this is used, you need to use
newsvid <1-4094> parameter to indicate which
new VID you would like to use.
For example:
SWH(config_acl-100)# permit-type svid
SWH(config_acl-100)# newsvid 200
Cvid: Specify “cvid” to replace an original
customer VID with a new one for egress traffic.
When this is used, you need to use the
following two parameters:
For example:
SWH(config_acl-100)# permit-type cvid
SWH(config_acl-100)# repcvid enable
SWH(config_acl-100)# newcvid 300
action <permit | drop | redirect |
Configure which action is taken when you
choose “forward” permit type.
<permit | drop | redirect | copytocpu>:
Permit: Specify “permit” to allow all packets to
pass through.
Drop: Specify “drop” to discard the packets.
Redirect: Specify “redirect” to route packets to
the specific port. If you want to use “redirect”,
you have specify the redirect port by issuing
redir-port command.
For example:
SWH(config_acl-100)# action redirect
SWH(config_acl-100)# redir-port 24