5 c. Using the fuselage side view as a guide
locate the position of the cabane mount
supports (P-4) on the inside of the
fuselage sides and glue them in place on
the right and left fuselage sides. Be sure
to space the four P-4 parts 1/8” from the
top edge of the fuselage side. Position
the four cabane mounting blocks (B-3) in
the four P-4 (flush with the tops of P-4)
and glue them in place. Keep the slot in
the cabane mounting blocks free of glue.
Drill a 9/64" hole through the fuselage
side and B-3 at the two holes on each
fuselage side. Glue one 4-40 blind
mounting nut in each of the four B-3.
Clean debris from the slot in each B-3.
Glue the lite ply tail wheel mount (TWM)
to the aft end of the fuselage bottom rear
Using a triangle as a guide glue formers F-1 and F-3 to one of the fuselage sides. Former F-3 is installed with F-3B facing
the front of the fuselage. If you look carefully you will see that F-1 has 1-1/2 degrees of downthrust built-in.
After the glue has cured place the other fuselage side on the formers, check for square and parallel and glue in place.
Place fuselage formers F-5, F-6, F-7 and F-8 in place between the fuselage sides. Place a rubber band around the fuselage
at each former location to hold everything together tightly. Check that former F-7 is facing the correct way for the pushrod
guide holes.
One at a time slide the lite-ply parts fuselage bottom rear (FBR), fuselage top front (FTF) and the stab support under the
rubber bands until they all snap into their correct location between the fuselage sides.
Place the fuselage over the top view of the plans to check the alignment of the
parts. Even if some of the plywood parts are badly warped the interlocking design
is designed to be self aligning and should pull everything into position. If there are
any persistent warps or twists now is the time to fix them. Once the fuselage is
glued it can’t be straightened. Double check that the opening at the back of the
fuselage is square with the fuselage top. If necessary, gently twist or push the
parts in the desired direction - use masking tape to hold the correct shape.
Glue all of the parts permanently in place. Work from the inside of the fuselage,
using medium CA. Start with small spots of glue in the corners, rechecking the
alignment as you go. Now go back and glue all of the joints on both sides. Leave
the rubber bands and tape in place until all of the glue has completely cured.