c. Using the dihedral gauge glue rib W-1 to the bottom spar. The top of the rib should slant towards the wingtip. The angle on
the dihedral gauge is 3 degrees.
Pin and glue a 1/4"x1/2"x24" balsa stick in the ribs as the top spar. Check the angle of rib W-1 with the dihedral gauge
before gluing rib W-1 to the spar
Cut one 48" shaped leading edge in half. Center one 24" shaped leading edge on
the ribs and glue to all of the ribs.
Find one 1"x1"x3" balsa wing dowel block (B-5) and sand to fit between ribs W-
1B and W-2. Fitting will require a small angle on one end to match the dihedral
angle of rib W-1B and a bit of shortening (all of the pieces are cut oversize to
allow for some variation). Glue block B-5 in place behind the leading edge and
between ribs W-2 and W-1B. When the glue cures sand the profile of the block to
match the wing ribs.
True up one edge on each of two
1/16"x1-1/2"x24" balsa sheets and cut
them down to 1" wide by trimming the
second edge. Glue one piece to the
bottom trailing edge of each rib. Use the
glue sparingly so that you don’t glue the
partially cut jigging tabs to each rib.
Now glue the other piece to the top
trailing edge of each rib.
Glue all the pre-cut 1/16" balsa spar webbing in place as shown on the plans. Make sure that the web is glued to all the
adjoining pieces. Here’s another place that you don’t want to be stingy with the glue.
True up one edge of a 1/16"x3"x24"
balsa sheet. Pin the trimmed edge of
the sheet to the shaped leading edge.
Now glue the sheet to the leading edge,
wing ribs, and top spar.
Using pieces of 1/16"x1/4" balsa strip,
cut and glue capstrips on the top of
each wing rib as shown on the plan.
Note that the capstrip at P-3 is cut from
1/16"x1/2" balsa strip. Do not glue this
capstrip on now.
When the glued has completely cured, remove the wing from the building board. Carefully remove all of the jig tabs on the
ribs. Use a sanding block to smooth the outline of the rib to shape.
Pin the partially assembled wing back to the building board upside down. Make sure the full length of the wing at the spar
is down against the building board. Using a 1/4"x1/2"x36" balsa stick as a jig/spacer pin the trailing edge to the building
board. Be very careful that everything is straight and flat, this is the step that "sets" the shape of the wing.
True up one edge of a 1/16"x3"x24"
balsa sheets. Pin the trimmed edge of
the sheet to the shaped leading edge.
Glue this sheet to the leading edge,
ribs, spar and innermost W1-B rib.
Using pieces of 1/16"x1/4" balsa strip,
cut and glue capstrips on the bottom of
the wing as indicated on the plans. Note
that the capstrip at the I-strut mount (P-
3) is cut from 1/16"x1/2" balsa strip.