Key To
Laser-Cut Parts
Thirty-Eight of the
HOG-BIPE parts are
laser-cut and do not
have their part
name/number pre-
printed on them. Use
a pencil to mark each
of the laser-cut parts
according to these
NOTE: The edges of
all the laser-cut parts
have a "burnt"
appearance varying
from light brown to
dark black,
depending upon the
thickness and type of
material the part is
made of. Our tests
indicate that a slight
discoloration of the
edges does not
significantly affect the
bonding ability of
these parts. However
we recommend that
the black edges of
former F1, made of
1/4" thick plywood, be
lightly sanded with an
80 grit sanding block
to remove the loose
black soot. It’s not
necessary to sand
every bit of black off
(you don’t want to
change the size of
the part). Sand until
you can run your
finger lightly over the
edge without picking
up any black color
(see photos of
sanded F1 in the
fuselage section).
About The Wood In The Kit
We strive to supply good quality materials in all SIG kits. However wood is a highly variable material (unlike man-made plastic
or metal), so every single wood part in a kit will probably not have flawless appearance. Often things that look like an
imperfection are actually quite acceptable when you consider the function the part will serve. Mineral stains and tiny knots do
not seriously affect balsa wood strength. Also, there is a natural tendency for some balsa sticks and sheets to immediately bow
upon being cut off from a perfectly square block due to internal stresses in the wood. In most cases, bows in wood parts (such
as leading edges) readily straighten out as they are glued into a structural unit. Likewise Lite-Ply fuselage sides, formers, and
doublers that are warped will usually straighten right out when they are glued in place.If you are in doubt about the suitability of
any part in your kit for it's intended purpose, call or write to us for assistance and/or a replacement part.