d. Cut and glue in place the 1/4"x1/4" balsa strip ribs.
When the glued has cured remove the stabilizer frame from the plan, reglue all the joints and then sand both sides flat and
smooth with a long sanding block.
Trim one edge of each of four sheets of 1/16"x3"x30" balsa sheet straight and square. Glue the trued edges of two sheets
together to make the bottom stabilizer sheet. Glue the trued edges of two more sheets together to make the top stabilizer
sheet. Trim a corner from each assembled sheet to finish out the center of each sheet. Sand both sides of the assembled
sheets to remove any extra glue and to generate a smooth surface - do it now as it’s nearly impossible to sand the sheets
when they are over an open framework.
Using Slow CA or SIG Bond glue the top
and bottom sheets to the stabilizer
frame. With Slow CA, if you’re quick, you
can do both sides at once, but it’s safer
to do one side at a time. With SIG Bond
you have plenty of time to glue both
sides. Weight or pin the assembly flat
until the glue cures.
Sand the top and bottom sheeting flush with the frame all around. Sand a flat on the front of the stabilizer to match the one
on the plan.
With a soft pencil or felt tip marker place a centerline from the trailing edge around the tip, along the leading edge and back
around the other tip to the trailing edge. Using the centerline as a guide round off the tips and the leading edge with a
sandpaper block.
Two 3/8"x3"x12" tapered balsa sheets are provided for making the elevators. Cut one of the elevator patterns from the
plans and trace the outline on both pieces of tapered stock. Cut the elevators to this shape. Notice that one side of the
tapered stock is rougher than the other. Plan your cutting of the right and left hand elevators so the smooth side is used as
the top on both elevators.
With a solvent wipe the oil off the elevator joiner wire. Using the plans and the 1/8" wire elevator joiner mark the elevators
where the wire joiner will be inserted. Drill an 1/8" hole in each elevator half at the mark. Groove the leading edge of each
elevator half so the wire joiner is flush with the leading edge of the elevator halves.
Sand the joiner wire for a better glue bond. Coat the joiner wire with Qwik-Set epoxy, work some epoxy into the holes and
grooves in the elevator halves, insert the joiner wire into the elevator halves and lay the assembly against a straight edge to
keep the three pieces in proper alignment.
When the glue has cured block sand the rough side of the elevators to match the thickness of the stabilizer. Do not sand the
elevators thinner than the stabilizer. Tape the elevators to the stabilizer and blend the shape of the tips together.
Cut two 2" pieces of 1" glass tape, wrap them around the leading edge of the elevators over the joiner, wire and glue in
place with thin CA. Sand smooth and blend the edges of the glass tape into the elevators. Don’t sand so much, that you
defeat the purpose of the glass tape.
Mark a centerline around the tip of each elevator half. Using the centerline as a guide taper the trailing edge of the elevators
to a constant thickness. Round off all of the edges of the elevator assembly.