36 a. Using a long flat sanding block sand the
trailing edge sheeting flush with the
trailing edge of the ribs.
Cut the 1/4"x3/4"x48" balsa in half, glue
and pin or tape the stick to the trailing
edge and the ribs.
When the glue has cured remove the
wing from the building board.
Carve and sand the trailing edge to shape. Match the taper of the trailing edge stick to the shape of the ribs and maintain a
sharp corner at the trailing edge.
Sand the sticks and sheeting at each
end flush with the end rib and
perpendicular to the spar.
Install a 4-40 blind mounting nut in each
of the I-strut bottom mounts (P-3) with a
small hammer. Be sure you make a right
and a left P-3 assembly. Spread epoxy
glue over the blind nuts to hold them in
place. Be careful not to get any glue in
the threads of the blind nuts.
Using epoxy or medium CA, glue the P-3 between the two close-set ribs on each panel of the wing. The blind nuts should
be on the inside surface of the P-3 when you are done. The bottom of P-3 must be flush with the bottom of the ribs. This
step is critical for the alignment of the interplane struts later. Refer to the cross section of the I-strut on plan sheet 2 of 2.
Cut a capstrip from 1/16"x1/2" balsa strip to fit at P-3. Notch one end of the capstrip to fit around P-3 and glue in place.
Center one of the wingtip assemblies on an end rib. Make sure the leading edge of the wingtip matches the leading edge of
the wing and is centered on the leading edge. Tack glue in place. Center the trailing edge of the wingtip on the trailing edge
of the wing and tack glue. Using a triangle as a guide finish gluing the wingtip to the tip rib.
Glue a wing tip rib (WTR) on the top and bottom of the wingtip, spacing the rib so
that the 1/16"sheet applied in the next step will be flush with the leading edge
sheet of the wing.
Cut four pieces of 1/16"x4" balsa sheet to fit on the top and bottom of the wingtip.
Shape the wingtip sheet so that it fits neatly to the leading edge sheet when the
wingtip sheet is wrapped around the wingtip. Glue the top and bottom wingtip
sheet in place. Sand the balsa sheeting flush with the plywood wingtip.
Find two of the wingtip blocks (WTB), glue them in place at the trailing edge of the
Glue sub ribs SBR-1 and SBR-2 together. Place this subassembly against the spars and root rib W1-B and glue in place.
When the glue has cured use a small sanding block to make sure SBR-1 and SBR-2 are flush with the wing ribs and spar.