Configuration Settings
Rev 4 May.17
link to be a high cost link, and disable the
Firmware Download on High Cost
Required Free Disk Space
: default is 100 MB. This field can be used to
override the minimum disk space required, when a partial download of an
update occurs and the oMG does not think there is enough disk space
available after resuming (e.g. when switching from high cost to low cost
connection and resuming the download). This field should only be modified in
consultation with Sierra Wireless Technical Support.
Module Firmware Options
The following options control Mobile Network Operator-specific firmware image
updates for the oMG’s on board MC7354 cellular WAN module:
Firmware Switching Enabled
(enabled by default): when enabled, the oMG
will detect the Mobile Network Operator based on the SIM card, and automat-
ically install the appropriate image package for that Mobile Network Operator.
Note: When Firmware Switching is Enabled, the gateway may require an additional 8
seconds to connect on boot.
Firmware Download Enabled
(enabled by default): when enabled, the oMG
will automatically download an image package when the Mobile Network
Operator detected on the SIM card doesn’t match the current Mobile Network
Operator module image installed and the required image package is not
currently available for installation from the oMG’s storage. Each image
package is approximately 33MB in size.
Firmware Download on High Cost Link
: when enabled, the oMG will
download the image even when a high cost WAN link is in use (e.g. a cellular
connection). By default this option is disabled, since most updates are done
on a "low cost" link such as a WiFi access point within a vehicle depot. Note:
if bandwidth consumption is a concern (e.g. due to cost) then set the cellular
link to be a high cost link, and disable the Firwmare Download on High Cost
Link option.
Purge Images on Next Boot
: when enabled, all image packages stored on
the oMG will be deleted after the oMG reboots and a connection has been
made using the MC7354.
Force Image Purge Now
: forces all image packages stored on the oMG to
be deleted immediately.