Rev 4 May.17
A: Configuration Settings
A.1 Policies
A.1.1 Dynamic Priority Policy
Assigns a score which dynamically changes based on the solidity of the connection.
Priority Score
: defines the initial score of the link. The link with the highest score
will be the active link when multiple links are available.
Enable Dynamic Priority
: when enabled, the Link Down Penalty and Recovery
Period fields are applied to a link when communication on that link is restored.
This ensures that the link's score is incrementally increased over the recovery
period (using a prorating formula) before the oMG will allow the link to become
the active link again. If this field is disabled, active link selection is chosen solely
on the priority score.
Link Down Penalty
: the amount to reduce the priority score by when the link
comes up again and the Recovery Period starts.
Recovery Period
: the amount of time, in seconds, a link which has come online
again must wait before it can become an active link. This is used to help ensure
that the link is stable.
If the link disconnects again during the recovery period, then the recovery
period ends. A new recovery period will begin when the links comes online
A.1.2 Geographic Region Policy
Allows the location to be taken into consideration when determining which network to
use. Up to three regions can be defined. When the vehicle travels into a defined
region, a score is added for the link.
Each region is defined by a rectangular area consisting of:
Upper Left Latitude
Upper Left Longitude
Lower Right Latitude
Lower Right Longitude
When the oMG is in a defined region, the score is added to determine the active link.
A.1.3 Time Period Policy
Allows the time of day to be taken into consideration to determine the network
selection. Up to three time periods can be defined. Each period score is added to
determine the network selection when the current time falls within the period.