Configuration Settings
Rev 4 May.17
A.10.2 Configuration
Adaptor Name
: appears when the connecting device discovers the oMG in
the pairing process. It is useful to use a name that refers to the vehicle to
which the oMG is attached (e.g. Truck25). Whenever the device pairs with the
oMG, it will discover Truck25 which can then be selected for the transmission.
Bluetooth PIN
: defines the security code required in the pairing process.
: must be checked for the device to connect using a TCP/IP dial-up
connection profile (Zoll, Phillips).
: must be checked if the device is connecting using a serial port profile.
A.11 GPS Configuration Settings
: set to checked to enable the custom GPS configuration.
Note: The oMG supports both National Marine Electronics Association (http://
www.nmea.org/) and Trimble ASCII Interface Protocol (TAIP) messages. Choosing which
NEMA and/or TAIP sentences will depend on the application they are being sent to.
Accuracy Settings
Elevation Mask (degrees)
: filters out satellites from the location calcu-
lation, which appear within the specified mask above the horizon. The
range is 0 to 90. The default is 5.
Dynamics Code
: refines filtering calculations based on the type of
terrain. Selectable values are: Land, Sea, Air, and Stationary. The default
is Land.
GPS Sources
Built-in GPS
: uses the internal GPS (default).
External GPS via UDP port
: uses an external GPS device on the
specified port.
External GPS via Serial or USB
: uses an external GPS device on the
specified port type. If using the serial port, the serial port setting on the
LCI must be set to GPS in the Use field.
NMEA Messaging
: the following subset of sentences defined in the NMEA
0183 specification are allowed:
GGA: Global Positioning System Fix Data
GLL: Geographical Position, Latitude/Longitude
GSA: GPS DOP and active satellites
GSV: GPS Satellites in view
RMC: Recommended minimum specific GPS/TRANSIT data
VTG: Track Made Good and Ground Speed
ZDA: UTC Date/Time and Local Time Zone Offset
Both local and remote consumers can be defined. The report intervals for
each are defined in seconds.
Additional Options
Emit ESN in Proprietary Sentence
: enable (select) or disable (de-
select) sending a proprietary NMEA sentence with ESN.