Prior to sto ve operatin g on therm ostat, confirm proper operation by
servicing and adju sting the sto ve as ou tlined in the “Installation
Guide”. When servicing stove, operate with thermostat bypassed as
stove will reset to start up mode each time thermostat is activated.
In the
position the EASYFIRE will be
feeding approximately three (3) pounds of pellets per
hour and the flame will fluctuate between 3" and 8" of
In the
position the EASYFIRE will be feeding
approxim ate ly 4+ lbs. per ho ur and the fla m e will
fluctuate between 3" and a full flame. The fan speed
will increase accordingly as the heate r au tom atic ally
adjusts itself based on temperature inside the heater
(see G below).
position is to be used only when the
heater is not burning and you wish to clean out the
accumulated ash in the front of the fire area. See
section of maintenance instructions.
After the heater is running for several hours and you
wish to turn it off simply press the button to
heater will continue running until it cools down
and then will automatically shut itself down
Eac h fee d po sition will fluctu ate
because the m icroprocess or is auto m atic ally
adjus ting the fee d and air b ased on tem perature. T his
m eans the pellet feed ra te and flam e height w ill
change accordingly based on quality of pellet and
heat loss of dwelling.
3. Starting the S tove:
Push a Heat Range button (Low or
Me dium is bes t for sta rt up) a nd turn the therm osta t up to
“Ca ll for heat”
. The stove fan will beg in to op erate along with
the ignitor cycle. A fter ab out a m inute th e pellets w ill begin
to fall in the burn pot. After five m inutes there will be a fire in
the burn pot and the stove will begin to heat up. W hen the
stove reaches start up operating temperature it will then
sw itch to th e control panel setting and begin it’s autom atic
operation cycle.
Feed Trim Adjustment
Underneath the control button you will find a small round
button that will turn forward and reverse. This button can
adjust the feed motor in the LOW operating position. By
turning the button clockwise you can increase the feed on
LOW and by turning it counterclockwise you can decrease
the feed in the LOW position. Factory setting is 1:00
Once the stove is at operating temperature for one hour
set the stove on LO W. Adjust the trim button so that
averag e flam e is app rox. 1-2" abo ve the bu rn p ot. T his
will set the average feed rate (air/flue) for best
M ove this button carefully!
It is designed to fine tune
your LOW setting in the event you ch ang e bra nds of pe llets
and/or live at a higher elevation. If this setting is to low the
sto ve m ay go out during LO W setting operatio ns. If this
sho uld ha ppe n increas e the trim by sm all am oun t.
Moving parts may cause injury, DO NOT
operate with rear cover removed.
Risk of electrical shock, disconnect all AC/DC
power before servicing.
Your EASYFIRE Pellet Heater requires routine
m aintenance for m axim um perform ance an d is ma ndatory
for the warranty to re m ain in effec t.
The following procedures should be studied carefully and
performed regularly as indicated:
1. Fly-ash:
Some ash will accumulate in the heat
exchanger, Fire Pot and flue and should be cleaned out
on a regu lar basis for bes t efficien cy and sa fety. W hen
the heater is shut down and cold, you should:
Open door and remove Heat Exchanger Cover. To
rem ove, s im ply slide up and out from retaining angle
brac ket (
Figure 12
). Clea n on e side at a tim e. W ith
one slide cover rem oved,
leave door open
and turn
control button to the
position. Let heater
run until ash in Fire Pot area is vacuumed out by
heater fan. Turn off and replace co ver. Rem ove
remaining cover and repeat procedure for the other
side. T he vent pipe should be cleaned out after this
procedu re. Rem ove the clean-out port cover
(Figu re
and vacuum as re quired.
Rem ove Fire Pot by lifting up and out, it may be
brushed out or vacuumed. Fire Pot should be
cleaned week ly and depending on pellet quality daily.
Make sure holes in pot are not clogged. The area
around an d below the pot shou ld be check ed every
five or six days depending on how many hours a day
you are burning your heater and the quality of the
pellets being burned. (After a few days you will be
able to determine the frequency needed for clean
The im portant th ing to rem em ber is that ex cess ive Fly-
ash accumulation will affect the efficiency of the burn.
Scrape pellet feed chu te with putty knife to rem ove
hardened material on which sawdust can
The clean-out port cover should be removed and the
vent pipe checked every four to six weeks or
whenever you utilize the clean-out mode on the
control dial.
Fly-ash can also accumulate in the vent pipe and
term ination cap . Inspect exha ust s ystem frequen tly to
maintain free flow of exhaust fumes and fly-ash. The
frequen cy of clean-out d epe nds entirely on the quality
of the pellets, so you will have to initially monitor the
buildup in the pellet vent pipe.
2. Hop per Clean Ou t:
Vacuum the accumulated saw dust
in the hopper weekly. Keep free of debris and foreign
CA US E IR RE GU LAR P ELLET F EED. F or be st res ults
this should be done on a regular basis depending upon
how often the heater is used. If you burn the heate r all
the time you should do this every eight to ten days.
3. Clea ning the E xha ust F an B lade & Hea t Exchan ger:
The exhaust blowe r should be checke d fo r ex cess ive Fly-
ash buildup. Regular and routine maintenance utilizing
feature will keep the exhaust blower
housing and fan blades clean. This cleaning can only be
don e wh en the he ater is NO T b urning. Fo r bes t resu lts
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