SIPROTEC, 7SD80, Manual
E50417-G1140-C474-A1, Release date 09.2011
External metered value via an ETHERNET connection, device-specific
External single-point indication via an ETHERNET connection, device-specific
Single-point indication
External single point indication via an ETHERNET connection, device-specific,
Fleeting indication,
point indication
Field devices
Generic term for all devices assigned to the field level: Protection devices, combination devices, bay control-
Without electrical connection to the
FMS communication branch
Within an FMS communication branch the users communicate on the basis of the PROFIBUS FMS protocol
via a PROFIBUS FMS network.
This object type is used to create the hierarchical structure of a project.
General interrogation (GI)
During the system start-up the state of all the process inputs, of the status and of the fault image is sampled.
This information is used to update the system-end process image. The current process state can also be
sampled after a data loss by means of a GI.
GOOSE message
GOOSE messages (Generic Object Oriented Substation Event) in accordance with IEC 61850 are data pack-
ages that are transmitted cyclically and event-controlled via the Ethernet communication system. They serve
for direct information exchange among the relays. This mechanism facilitates cross-communication between
bay devices.
Global Positioning System. Satellites with atomic clocks on board orbit the earth twice a day in different parts
in approx. 20,000 km. They transmit signals which also contain the GPS universal time. The GPS receiver de-
termines its own position from the signals received. From its position it can derive the running time of a satellite
and thus correct the transmitted GPS universal time.
The conductive ground whose electric potential can be set equal to zero in any point. In the area of ground
electrodes the ground can have a potential deviating from zero. The term "Ground reference plane" is often
used for this state.