3.7 Possible uses of onboard drive and measuring system interface in the application (C230-2, C240)
Operating Instructions, 02/2012
This results in the following possibilities in the application for the C240, for example:
● Configuration of hydraulic axes on the onboard resources of the C240
● Use of unassigned axis channels of the C240 as I/O variable for the user program
● Use of the analog outputs of the C240 as unassigned process outputs
Note: The resolution and the characteristic curve of the analog output of the C240 differ
from those of a SIMATIC S7 controller. The following table lists the digital values and
their associated analog values (characteristic curve).
Digital value (WORD data type)
Analog value
16#7FFF ≙ 32767
+10 V
16#0000 ≙ 0
0 V
16#8000 ≙ 32768
-10 V
See also