Online functionality
8.2 Going online and connecting to a CPU
Easy Book
Manual, 05/2009, A5E02486774-01
Going online and connecting to a CPU
An online connection between the programming device and a target system is required for
loading programs and project engineering data to the target system as well as for activities
such as the following:
Testing user programs
Displaying and changing the operating mode of the CPU
Displaying and setting the date and time of day of the CPU
Displaying the module information
Comparing online and offline blocks
Diagnosing hardware
You can then access the data on the target system in the online or diagnostics view using
the "Online tools" task card. The current online status of a device is indicated by an icon to
the right next to the device in the project navigation. The orange color indicates an online
connection. Select "Accessible devices" to find a CPU on the network.