Programming options
5.1 Easy to configure the hardware devices
Easy Book
Manual, 05/2009, A5E02486774-01
Configuring the operation of the I/O and communication modules
To configure the operational parameters for the signal module (SM), signal board (SB), or
communication module (CM), select the module in the Device view and use the "Properties"
tab of the inspector window.
Signal module (SM)
Digital inputs: Enables the individual inputs for pulse catch (to stay on after a
momentary pulse) through the next update of the input process image
Digital outputs: Enables the individual outputs to use a freeze or substitute value on a
transition from RUN mode to STOP mode
Analog inputs: Configures the
parameters for individual inputs
(such as voltage / current, range
and smoothing) and also enables
underflow or overflow diagnostics
Analog outputs: Configures the
parameters for individual analog
outputs, such as output type
(voltage or current) and also to
enable diagnostics, such as short-
circuit (for voltage outputs) or
overflow values (greater than
+32511 or less than -32512)
I/O diagnostic addresses:
Configures the start address for
the set of inputs and outputs of
the module
Communication module (CM)
Port configuration: Configures the communication parameters, such as baud rate,
parity, data bits, stop bits, flow control, XON and XOFF characters, and wait time
Transmit message configuration:
Enables and configures transmit
related options
Receive message configuration:
Enables and configures the
message-start and message-end
These configuration parameters can be
changed by your program.