6.2 PtP, USS, and Modbus communication protocols
Easy Book
Manual, 05/2009, A5E02486774-01
PtP, USS, and Modbus communication protocols
The CPU supports the PtP protocol for character-based serial communication, in which the
user application completely defines and implements the protocol of choice.
PtP enables a wide variety of possibilities:
The ability to send information directly to an
external device such as a printer
The ability to receive information from other
devices such as barcode readers, RFID
readers, third-party camera or vision
systems, and many other types of devices
The ability to exchange information, sending
and receiving data, with other devices such
as GPS devices, third-party camera or
vision systems, or radio modems
PtP communication is serial communication that support a variety of baud rates and parity
options. STEP 7 Basic provides libraries of instructions that you can use in programming
your application. These libraries provide PtP communication functions for the following
USS drive protocol (RS485 only)
Modbus RTU Master protocol
Modbus RTU Slave protocol
Communication modules for PtP
A communication module (CM) provides the interface for PtP communications. There is a
CM for RS232 and a CM for RS485. You can connect up to three CMs (of any type) to the
CPU. Each CM has the following characteristics:
Isolated port
Supports the PtP, USS (RS485 only) and Modbus protocols
Configured and programmed through extended instructions and library functions
Displays transmit and receive activity by means of LEDs
Displays a diagnostic LED
Powered by the CPU, with no external power connection required