CP 1242-7
Operating Instructions, 09/2011, C79000-G8976-C247-02
GPRS station
Remote S7 station with a GPRS-compliant communications module
Telecontrol server
PC for monitoring and control of remote S7 stations linked via a public GSM network for
GPRS communication. The telecontrol server is normally a centrally deployed PC with a
connection to the Internet on which the "TELECONTROL SERVER BASIC" application is
installed. The telecontrol server is not configured in STEP 7.
Software for GPRS communication between remote stations and the central telecontrol
server. Via the integrated OPC server of TCSB, data can be exchanged with the OPC client
of a central control system. TCSB allows TeleService from S7-1200 stations with a
CP 1242-7 via GPRS. Communication can be handled via public networks such as GSM
networks or via the Internet without requiring addressing of the remote S7 stations using
fixed IP addresses.
Mode of the CP 1242-7 for GPRS communication between a remote S7 station and the
following partners:
Communication with a → Telecontrol server
Communication with other remote GPRS stations
In communication with other remote GPRS stations, the frames are sent via the
telecontrol server.
TeleService gateway
PC in the network as intermediary between the engineering station and remote S7-1200 with
CP 1242-7. The "TS Gateway" software is installed on the PC. TS Gateway is used only for
the "TeleService" function via GPRS. No process data can be transferred with TS Gateway.
The TeleService gateway is not configured in STEP 7.
TeleService server
Switching station for data transmission between the engineering station and remote S7
station. This can be a telecontrol server or a TeleService gateway.
TS Gateway
Application on a TeleService gateway