5.3 Using the telecontrol instructions
CP 1242-7
Operating Instructions, 09/2011, C79000-G8976-C247-02
CP parameter for configuring the telecontrol server
The following parameters from the configuration of the CP 1242-7 are also required for the
configuration of the telecontrol server:
Address and port of the telecontrol server
Project number
Station number
Slot of the CP
Telecontrol password
Authorized phone numbers
Connection mode (permanent/temporary)
The phone number of the SIM card of the CPU and SMS text are not configured in STEP 7
but in the telecontrol instructions.
Using the telecontrol instructions
Configuring the instructions for GPRS communication
The telecontrol instructions are necessary whenever process data of the station needs to be
sent to a communications partner. If you only want to use the TeleService function,
telecontrol instructions are not necessary.
You will find the description of the individual telecontrol instructions and their corresponding
system data types (data blocks) below.
The instructions are configured in STEP 7. After linking the telecontrol library into STEP 7,
you will find the corresponding data types (TCON_xxx, IF_CONF) in the navigation of the
relevant controller under "PLC data types".
Connection establishment with the "TC_CON" instruction
Connections are established via GPRS using the "TC_CON" instruction. Note that a
separate "TC_CON" instruction must be called for each connection.
Once a connection is established, data can then be received with the "TC_RECV" instruction
and/or sent with the "TC_SEND" instruction.
A separate connection must be established for each communications partner even if
identical blocks of data are being sent.
After a successful transfer of the data, a connection can be terminated. A connection is also
terminated by calling "TC_DISCON".