Siemens Building Technologies
Basic Documentation RVD230
HVAC Products
30 Combination with PPS devices
Combination with PPS devices
30.1 General
PPS units are digital peripheral devices for connection to the PPS (point-to-point inter-
face, terminals A6–MD) of the controller. Such units are presently the following:
Room units QAW50 and QAW70
Room temperature sensor QAA10
The room temperature acquired with a room unit is adopted by the controller. If the
room temperature shall not be included in the control functions, the room influence on
operating line 70 must be set to 0. The other room unit functions will then be main-
If an inadmissible unit is connected, the RVD230 identifies a fault. A room unit will be
switched to the passive state; this means that all entries made on the room unit will
have no impact
The operating mode of d.h.w. heating is independent of the operating mode of a room
unit. One exception is the holiday function (refer to subsection 30.3.6 "Entry of holiday
periods ")
The room unit acts fully on the controller also when, on the controller, an operation
locking function is activated (operating lines 195 and / or 196: Setting
A short-circuit at the PPS leads to an error message; an open-circuit represents a
permitted state (no device present)
30.2 Combination with room unit QAW50
30.2.1 General
Room unit QAW50, with room temperature sensor, knob
for room temperature setpoint readjustments and econ-
omy button.
The QAW50 can act on the RVD230 as follows:
Overriding the operating mode
Readjustment of room temperature
For this purpose, the QAW50 has 3 operating elements:
Operating mode button
Economy button (also called presence button)
Knob for readjusting the nominal room temperature setpoint
30.2.2 Overriding the operating mode
From the QAW50, the operating mode of the RVD230 can be overridden. This is made
with the operating mode button and the economy button.
To enable the room unit to act on the RVD230, the controller must be in automatic mode.
The actions of the QAW's operating mode button on the RVD230 are as follows: