This configuration item defines the communications address for the communications module. Each device
connected on the communications link must have a unique communications address. The Comm Address setting
must correspond with the address programmed into the RTU or other supervisory device so that it can request
information from and write data to a particular MJ-5 Control Panel.
Resync Time
This configuration item defines the Communications Module resync time (in characters). This item is used for
Communications Module protocols 2200 and 2179 to determine when one message ends and another message
begins. If a new character is not received within the period specified by this parameter, the control panel assumes
that the next received character is the start of a new message.
Tx En Delay
This configuration item defines the Communications Module Transmit Enable Delay (in milliseconds), specifies the
amount of time between the RTS output being activated and the start of transmit (output) data.
DNP dl Confirm
This configuration item defines whether or not to request confirmation from the master station for all responses for
the DNP3.0 protocol
CM SW RepeatEn
This configuration item controls whether software repeat is used for the MJ5.
Host Addr
This configuration item defines the communications address for the RTU or other supervisory device to which
unsolicited responses are sent.
CM Unsolicited
This configuration item defines whether or not the communications module should send unsolicited responses. Note
that if this parameter is “Y”, an “enable unsolicited responses” message must also be sent from the master station to
start them.
This configuration item controls whether the auto inhibit must be active before a remote raise or lower request will
be followed. Setting “Y” prevents accidental fighting against the automatic tap changes with remote commands.
This configuration item selects what DNP points will be used. Choose “DNPcfg” to configure your own points with
the DNP Configure program or choose from the preconfigured DNP point sets. See Section 8.
Deadband Class 1-3
These three menu items are used for Deadband Class 1, 2, or 3. If the user wants to set the band without using the
configuration tool, they can select the value of Deadband Class 1, 2, or 3. The default value for each Deadband
Class is 00.0 and the maximum value is 99.9.
Comm Type
This menu item displays which communication type is currently being used by the MJ-5. The user may select from
Network, Fiber-serial, Serial, or RS-485.
IP Config
This menu item allows the user to enable or disable the IP Configuraion Selection. This user may choose between
Static, (the default) or DHCP.